Ectropion vs Entropion

ectropion eyelid

Whether your eyelids are heavy, droopy, saggy, turning in or out, we’d be happy to fix them! Our doctors specialise in oculoplastic (eyelid) surgery, including removal of skin cancers on the eyelids.

Ectropion Eyelid

Ectropion (saggy, outward facing lower lid) is when the lower eyelid turns outwards so that the edge of the lid flops away from the eyeball. The lining of the lower eyelid may become red and swollen due to exposure to the there and there may be mucous discharge and crusting of the lids. The affected eye may become watery because the tear drainage tube in the lid is no longer in the right position to collect the tears.

ectropion treatment

What are the signs and symptoms?

The most obvious sign of an ectropion is a saggy, outward facing lower lid. From this the lower lid may look red and swollen. Patients may complain of an irritated, gritty/sandy feeling, burning sensation, mucous build-up and/or excessive tearing.

What is the treatment for ectropion?

Artificial tear eye drops and ointments to lubricate the eye can temporarily relieve the symptoms of an ectropion; however, eyelid surgery to tighten the lower lid is usually necessary to fully correct this problem. There are a few different surgical approaches available and your ophthalmologist will discuss the best option for you at your consultation.

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treatment for ectropion

Entropion Eyelid

Entropion refers to an inward turning of the lower eyelid. It causes the eyelashes and lid skin to rub against the surface of the eye, causing discomfort. If left untreated it can lead to the ulceration of the surface of the eye, followed by scarring which could cause loss of vision.

treatment for ectropion

What are the signs and symptoms?

The most obvious sign of an entropion is an inward turning lower lid. Patients may experience irritation and pain on the front of the eye, excessive tearing, burning sensation and a red eye. Lower lid entropion is usually due to aging changes in the eyelid making it lax (loose) and prone to flipping inwards. To begin with, the entropion can be present intermittently, but it often progresses later on. Entropion can also be caused by infection (e.g. trachoma), disease or injury.

What is the treatment for Entropion?

Artificial tears may temporarily relieve the irritation from an entropion; however, eyelid surgery to stiffen the lower lid and pull it outwards is usually necessary to fully correct this problem. At Gold Coast Eye Hospital we have surgical approaches available that your ophthalmologist will discuss with you at your consultation.

Click here to download the Entropion Information PDF